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                            <h4 class=effects_list-item_header>Energize Naturally</h4>
                            <p class=effects_list-item_text>Coconut herbal oil elixirs provide a natural energy boost, keeping you refreshed and revitalized throughout the day.</p>
                    <li class="effects_list-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center flex-sm-row align-items-sm-start"
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                            <h4 class=effects_list-item_header>Immunity Support</h4>
                            <p class=effects_list-item_text>Experience the immune-boosting benefits of coconut and herbs, promoting a resilient and healthy body.</p>
                    <li class="effects_list-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center flex-sm-row align-items-sm-start"
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                            <h4 class=effects_list-item_header>Glowing Skin from Within</h4>
                            <p class=effects_list-item_text>Nourish your skin with the hydrating properties of coconut, complemented by herbs that enhance your natural radiance.</p>

MMCT - 2023