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/*! * Simple Carousel v0.1.0 * * * For more easing effects needs jQuery Easing(v1.3) plugin * * * Copyright (c) 2014 Robert Yao. All rights reserved. * Released under the MIT license * * Date: 2014-07-30 */ (function($) { "use strict"; var TXT = { ATTR: "attr", EMPTY: "", V: "V", H: "H", MINUS: "-", PX: "px", SWING: "swing", FORWARD: "forward", BACK: "back", NUMBER: "number", STRING: "string", JSON: "json", UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: "is a known property." }, SETTINGS = { WRAP: "wrap", CONTAINER: "container", BEFORE_SWITCH: "beforeSwitch", AFTER_SWITCHED: "afterSwitched", CAROUSEL: "carousel", ITEM: "item", ITEMS_PER_STEP: "itemsPerStep", DEFAULT_PAGE: "defaultPage", PREV_BTN: "prevBtn", NEXT_BTN: "nextBtn", BUTTON_AVAILABLE: "buttonAvailable", PAGINATED: "paginated", PLAY_DIRECTION: "playDirection", PAGE_DIRECTION: "pageDirection", AUTO_PLAY: "autoPlay", CYCLE_PLAY: "cyclePlay", EASING: "easing", ANIMATE_DURATION: "animateDuration", PAGE_SWITCH_DELAY: "pageSwitchDelay", EMPTY_CASE: "emptyCase", AJAX: "ajax", REMOVE_EMPTY: "removeEmpty" }, CLS = { HIDE: "hide", CONTAINER: "carousel-container", CAROUSEL: "carousel-list", PREV_BTN: "carousel-prev-btn", NEXT_BTN: "carousel-next-btn", BUTTON_DISABLED: "carousel-button-disabled", PAGINATION: "carousel-pagination", PAGINATION_TAB: "carousel-pagination-tab", PAGINATION_ACTIVE_TAB: "carousel-pagination-active-tab" }, PRE_ID = { CONTAINER: "carousel-container-", CAROUSEL: "carousel-list-", PREV_BTN: "carousel-prev-btn-", NEXT_BTN: "carousel-next-btn-", PAGINATION: "carousel-pagination-" }, SELECTOR = { ID_SELECTOR: "#", CLS_SELECTOR: ".", WRAP: "#carousel", CONTAINER: "#carousel-container", CAROUSEL: "#carousel-list", PREV_BTN: "#carousel-prev-btn", NEXT_BTN: "#carousel-next-btn" }, DEFAULT_VAL = { PLAY_DIRECTION: TXT.V, EASING: TXT.SWING, PAGE_DIRECTION: TXT.FORWARD, PAGINATION_TAB_WIDTH: 30, ANIMATE_DURATION: 500, PAGE_SWITCH_DELAY: 3000 }, CSS = { TOP: "top", VISIBLE: { "overflow": "visible" } }, TAG = { A: "a", LI: "li", IMG: "img" }, ATTR = { ID: "id", SRC: "src" }, TEMPLATE = { CONTAINER: "<div class='" + CLS.CONTAINER + "'></div>", CAROUSEL: "<ul class='" + CLS.CAROUSEL + "'></ul>", PREV_BTN: "<a title='Previous Page' class='" + CLS.PREV_BTN + "' href='#prev'>‹</a>", NEXT_BTN: "<a title='Next Page' class='" + CLS.NEXT_BTN + "' href='#next'>›</a>", EMPTY_ITEM: "<li></li>", ITEM_INNER_HTML: "<p><a href='{url}'><img width='{imgWidth}' height='{imgHeight}' alt='{title}' src='{src}'></a></p><h3><a target='_blank' href='{url}'>{title}</a></h3>", PAGINATION: "<ul class=" + CLS.PAGINATION + "></ul>", PAGINATION_TAB: "<li class=" + CLS.PAGINATION_TAB + "></li>" }, EVENTS = { ON: "on", TRIGGER: "trigger", BEFORE_SWITCH: "beforeSwitch", AFTER_SWITCHED: "afterSwitched", ITEMS_CHANGE: "itemsChange", ATTRIBUTES_CHANGE: "attributesChange" }, toHTMLTemplate = function(json, template){ $.each(json, function(key, value){ var templateRegExp = new RegExp("{" + key + "}", "gi"); template = template.replace(templateRegExp, value); }); return template; }; $.SimpleCarousel = function( config ) { // A jQuery Object to stores the configuration values and changed values, // and binds 'attributesChange' event on this Object, fires 'attributesChange' // when update a new configuration value. this.settings = $({ attributes: {}, changed: {} }); this.uuid = 0; this.timer = null; this.scrolling = false; this.totalPages = 0; this.clipPosition = 0; this.currentPage = 0; // All UI components this.wrap = null; this.container = null; this.carousel = null; this.prevBtn = null; this.nextBtn = null; this.items = null; this.pagination = null; this.paginationTabs = null; this.paginationLinks = null; this.activeTab = null; this.lastSelectedTab = null; // Extend the 'this.settings.attributes' object // with the '$.SimpleCarousel.defaults' value. $.extend( this.settings[0].attributes, $.SimpleCarousel.defaults ); // Update the 'this.settings.attributes' values. if ( $.isPlainObject( config ) ) { $.extend( this.settings[0].attributes, config ); } return this; }; $.SimpleCarousel.prototype = { // -- Public Properties ---------------------------------------------------- version: "0.1.0", constructor: $.SimpleCarousel, keys: [], length: 0, // -- Lifecycle Methods ---------------------------------------------------- initializer: function () { var key, prototype = this.constructor.prototype; if ( this.isAsync() ) { this._ajaxInitializer(); } else { this._initializer(); } for ( key in prototype ) { if ( prototype.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { this.keys.push( key ); } } this.keys.sort(); this.length = this.keys.length; return this; }, // -- Protected prototype Methods ---------------------------------------------------- _initializer: function () { // Get all components of the SimpleCarousel if ( !this.isAsync() ) { this.wrap = $( this.get( SETTINGS.WRAP ) ); this.container = $( this.get( SETTINGS.CONTAINER ) ); this.carousel = $( this.get( SETTINGS.CAROUSEL ) ); this.prevBtn = $( this.get( SETTINGS.PREV_BTN ) ); this.nextBtn = $( this.get( SETTINGS.NEXT_BTN ) ); } // Initialize this._removeEmpty(). _updateCarouselSize(). _enableButtons(). _createPaginationUI(). _switchToDefaultPage(). _stylePagination(). _bind(); return this; }, _ajaxInitializer: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this, ajax = this.get( SETTINGS.AJAX ); this._createMainUI(); if ( this.isAsync() ) { // The 'ajax' setting is the $.extend( ajax, { dataType: TXT.JSON, success: function ( data ) { var removePaginationUI = ajax.removePaginationUI, add = ajax.add, remove = ajax.remove, carousel = SimpleCarousel.carousel; // Remove the 'pagination' element if ( $.isFunction( removePaginationUI ) ) { removePaginationUI(); } // Remove all items from the 'carousel' element if ( $.trim( carousel.html() ) ) { carousel.html( TXT.EMPTY ); } if ( carousel[0] ) { // Create new 'item' and append it to the 'carousel' element $( data ).each( function ( i, json ) { SimpleCarousel.add({ itemJSON: json, itemInnerHTML: ajax.itemInnerHTML || TEMPLATE.ITEM_INNER_HTML }); } ); // Add new 'item' to the 'carousel' element after initialize the SimpleCarousel if ( $.isFunction( add ) ) { add(); } // remove a item from the 'carousel' after initialize the SimpleCarousel if ( $.isFunction( remove ) ) { remove(); } // Initialize the SimpleCarousel after create all UI components SimpleCarousel._initializer(); } } }); // Send a ajax request $.ajax( ajax ); } return this; }, _reload: function () { if ( !this.isAsync() ) { // The 'pagination' element will be repainted every time // when reload the SimpleCarousel. this._unbind(). _removePaginationUI(). _initializer(); } return this; }, _ajaxReload: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this, ajax = this.get( SETTINGS.AJAX ); if ( this.isAsync() ) { // The 'pagination' element will be repainted every time // when reload the SimpleCarousel. $.extend( ajax, { removePaginationUI: function () { SimpleCarousel._unbind()._removePaginationUI(); } }); $.ajax( ajax ); } return this; }, _hasId: function( element ) { return $.trim( $( element ).attr( ATTR.ID ) ) === TXT.EMPTY; }, _addId: function(element, id) { if ( !this._hasId( element ) ) { $( element ).attr( ATTR.ID, id + this.guid() ); } return this; }, _createMainUI: function () { var wrap = $( this.get( SETTINGS.WRAP ) ), container = $( this.get( SETTINGS.CONTAINER ) ), carousel = $( this.get( SETTINGS.CAROUSEL ) ), prevBtn = $( this.get( SETTINGS.PREV_BTN ) ), nextBtn = $( this.get( SETTINGS.NEXT_BTN ) ); // Add the 'id' attribute to each created main UI components. this._addId( container, PRE_ID.CONTAINER ). _addId( carousel, PRE_ID.CAROUSEL ). _addId( prevBtn, PRE_ID.PREV_BTN ). _addId( prevBtn, PRE_ID.NEXT_BTN ); this.wrap = wrap; this.container = container; this.carousel = carousel; this.prevBtn = prevBtn; this.nextBtn = nextBtn; // Remove all UI components if ( $.trim( wrap.html() ) ) { wrap.html( TXT.EMPTY ); } // Append all create UI components to the root element. wrap.append( prevBtn ).append( container.append( carousel ) ).append( nextBtn ); return this; }, _createPaginationUI: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this, wrap = this.wrap, hasPagination = this.hasPagination(), pagination = null, totalPages = this.totalPages, paginationClass = hasPagination.paginationClass, paginationItems = hasPagination.paginationItems, paginationTop = wrap[0].offsetHeight + 10, paginationWidth = totalPages * DEFAULT_VAL.PAGINATION_TAB_WIDTH, defaultPage = this.get( SETTINGS.DEFAULT_PAGE ), TXT_PX = TXT.PX; if ( hasPagination && totalPages >= 2 ) { // Create a 'pagination' element pagination = $( TEMPLATE.PAGINATION ).attr( ATTR.ID, PRE_ID.PAGINATION + this.guid() ).css({ "width": paginationWidth + TXT_PX, "margin-left": TXT.MINUS + (paginationWidth / 2) + TXT_PX }); // Position the 'pagination' element if( paginationClass ){ // Position it with the 'paginationClass' class pagination.addClass(paginationClass); } else { // Position it in the middle bottom of the root element pagination.css(CSS.TOP, paginationTop + TXT_PX); } this.pagination = pagination; // Create page Tabs $( new Array(totalPages) ).each(function ( index ) { var itemInnerTemplate = index + 1, pageTab = $( TEMPLATE.PAGINATION_TAB ); // Get customized pageTab item inner HTML template. if ( $.isArray( paginationItems ) && paginationItems.length === totalPages ) { itemInnerTemplate = paginationItems[index]; } // Add the template in to the pageTab. pageTab.html( "<a href=\"#page-" + index + "\">" + itemInnerTemplate + "</a>" ); // Update the 'currentPage' if ( index === defaultPage ) { SimpleCarousel.currentPage = defaultPage; } pagination.append( pageTab ); }); wrap.append( pagination ); if( this.isPaginationOutSideOfWrap() ) { wrap.css( CSS.VISIBLE ); } // Update the 'pagination' element related elements. this.paginationTabs = pagination.find( SELECTOR.CLS_SELECTOR + CLS.PAGINATION_TAB ); this.paginationLinks = pagination.find( TAG.A ); } return this; }, _removePaginationUI: function () { var pagination = this.pagination; if ( pagination && pagination[0] ) { pagination.remove(); } return this; }, // For some reason, you would remove some empty item _removeEmpty: function () { var carousel = this.carousel, itemSelector = this.get( SETTINGS.ITEM ), isRemoveEmpty = this.get( SETTINGS.REMOVE_EMPTY ), TXT_EMPTY = TXT.EMPTY; if ( isRemoveEmpty ) { carousel.find( itemSelector ).each(function ( i, item ) { var src = $( item ).find( TAG.IMG ).first().attr( ATTR.SRC ), innerHTML = $( item ).html(); if ( $.trim( src ) === TXT_EMPTY || $.trim( innerHTML ) === TXT_EMPTY ) { item.remove(); } }); } this.items = carousel.find( this.get( SETTINGS.ITEM ) ); this.totalPages = this.getTotalPages(); return this; }, _updateCarouselSize: function () { var container = this.container, carousel = this.carousel, playDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PLAY_DIRECTION ), length = this.items.length; if ( playDirection === TXT.H ) { carousel.width( this.getItemWidth() * length ).height( container.height() ); } else { if ( playDirection === TXT.V ) { carousel.height( this.getItemHeight() * length ).width( container.width() ); } } return this; }, _stylePagination: function () { var lastSelectedTab = null, activeTab = null, CLS_ACTIVE_TAB = CLS.PAGINATION_ACTIVE_TAB; if ( this.hasPagination() && this.totalPages >= 2 ) { lastSelectedTab = this.lastSelectedTab; activeTab = this.paginationTabs.eq( this.currentPage ); if ( lastSelectedTab ) { lastSelectedTab.removeClass( CLS_ACTIVE_TAB ); } activeTab.addClass( CLS_ACTIVE_TAB ); this.activeTab = activeTab; this.lastSelectedTab = this.activeTab; } return this; }, _switchToDefaultPage: function () { var container = this.container, defaultPage = this.get( SETTINGS.DEFAULT_PAGE ), playDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PLAY_DIRECTION ), scrollValue = 0, itemsNumber = 0; // Update the 'clipPosition' if ( defaultPage > 0 ) { itemsNumber = this.getItemsPerStep() * defaultPage; if ( this.isCyclePlay() ) { this.moveTheFirstItemsToTheEnd( itemsNumber ); this.clipPosition = 0; } else { this.clipPosition = defaultPage; } } // Scroll the 'carousel' element to the 'defaultPage' if ( playDirection === TXT.V ) { scrollValue = this.getItemHeight() * itemsNumber; container.scrollTop( scrollValue ); } else { if ( playDirection === TXT.H ) { scrollValue = this.getItemWidth() * itemsNumber; container.scrollLeft( scrollValue ); } } this._enableButtons(); this._timer(); return this; }, _enableButtons: function () { var CLS_HIDE = CLS.HIDE; if ( this.totalPages < 2 ) { this.prevBtn.addClass( CLS_HIDE ); this.nextBtn.addClass( CLS_HIDE ); } else { this._enableOrDisablePrevBtnNextBtn(); } return this; }, _enableOrDisablePrevBtnNextBtn: function () { var prevBtn = this.prevBtn, nextBtn = this.nextBtn, CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED = CLS.BUTTON_DISABLED, maxPage = this.totalPages - 1, clipPosition = this.clipPosition; if ( this.isButtonAvailable() ) { // Enable the 'prevBtn' or disable the 'prevBtn' if ( prevBtn.hasClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ) && clipPosition > 0 ) { prevBtn.removeClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ); } else { if ( clipPosition === 0 ) { prevBtn.addClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ); } } // Enable the 'nextBtn' or disable the 'nextBtn' if ( clipPosition === maxPage ) { nextBtn.addClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ); } else { if ( nextBtn.hasClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ) && clipPosition < maxPage ) { nextBtn.removeClass( CLS_BUTTON_DISABLED ); } } } return this; }, _timer: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this; this.pause(); this.timer = setTimeout(function () {; }, this.get( SETTINGS.PAGE_SWITCH_DELAY ) ); return this; }, _bindMainUI: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this, container = this.container, prevBtn = this.prevBtn, nextBtn = this.nextBtn; if ( this.isAutoPlay() ) { // Pause 'autoPlay' When mouse over the 'container' element, // and 'autoPlay' again when mouse out of the 'container' element, container.hover(function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.pause(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel._timer(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); if ( prevBtn[0] && !this.isPrevBtnAboveContainer() ) { prevBtn.hover(function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.stop(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.set( SETTINGS.AUTO_PLAY, true ); SimpleCarousel._timer(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); } if ( nextBtn[0] && !this.isNextBtnAboveContainer() ) { nextBtn.hover(function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.stop(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, function ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.set( SETTINGS.AUTO_PLAY, true ); SimpleCarousel._timer(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); } } // bind 'beforeSwitch' event on the 'container' element container.on( EVENTS.BEFORE_SWITCH, function () { SimpleCarousel._onBeforeSwitch(); }); // bind 'afterSwitched' event on the 'container' element container.on( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED, function () { SimpleCarousel._onAfterSwitched(); }); // bind 'itemsChange' event on the 'carousel' element this.carousel.on( EVENTS.ITEMS_CHANGE, function () { SimpleCarousel.reload(); }); if ( prevBtn[0] ) { ( evt ) { SimpleCarousel.prev(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); } if ( nextBtn[0] ) { ( evt ) {; evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); } return this; }, _bindPaginationUI: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this; if ( this.hasPagination() && this.totalPages > 1 ) { if( this.paginationTabs ) { this.paginationTabs.each(function ( i, pageTab ) { $( pageTab ).click(function ( evt ) { if ( !$( this ).hasClass( CLS.PAGINATION_ACTIVE_TAB ) ) { SimpleCarousel.pageTo( i ); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); }); } if( this.paginationLinks ) { this.paginationLinks.each(function ( i, pageLink ) { $( pageLink ).focus(function ( evt ) { if ( !$( this ).parent().hasClass( CLS.PAGINATION_ACTIVE_TAB ) ) { SimpleCarousel.pageTo( i ); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); }); } } return this; }, _unbindMainUI: function () { var prevBtn = this.prevBtn, nextBtn = this.nextBtn; this.container.unbind(); this.carousel.unbind(); if ( prevBtn[0] ) { prevBtn.unbind(); } if ( nextBtn[0] ) { nextBtn.unbind(); } return this; }, _unbindPaginationUI: function () { if ( this.hasPagination() && this.totalPages > 1 ) { if( this.paginationTabs ) { this.paginationTabs.each(function ( i, pageTab ) { $( pageTab ).unbind(); }); } if( this.paginationLinks ) { this.paginationLinks.each(function ( i, pageLink ) { $( pageLink ).unbind(); }); } } return this; }, _bindSettings: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this; this.settings.on( EVENTS.ATTRIBUTES_CHANGE, function(){ SimpleCarousel.reload(); }); return this; }, _unbindSettings: function () { this.settings.unbind(); return this; }, _bind: function () { this._bindMainUI()._bindPaginationUI()._bindSettings(); return this; }, _unbind: function () { this._unbindMainUI()._unbindPaginationUI()._unbindSettings(); return this; }, _onTabClick: function ( tabIndex ) { var isCyclePlay = this.isCyclePlay(), currentPage = this.currentPage; if ( this.hasPagination() && !this.scrolling ) { this.pause(); if ( isCyclePlay ) { this.currentPage = tabIndex; if ( currentPage < tabIndex ) { this.clipPosition = tabIndex - currentPage; this.playForward(); } else { if ( currentPage > tabIndex ) { this.clipPosition = currentPage - tabIndex; this.playBack(); } } } else { if ( !isCyclePlay ) { this.clipPosition = tabIndex; if ( currentPage < tabIndex ) { this.currentPage = tabIndex; this.playForward(); } else { if ( currentPage > tabIndex ) { this.currentPage = tabIndex; this.playBack(); } } } } } return this; }, _onBeforeSwitch: function () { var beforeSwitch = this.get( SETTINGS.BEFORE_SWITCH ); if ( $.isFunction( beforeSwitch ) ) { beforeSwitch(); } else { if ( $.isArray( beforeSwitch ) ) { beforeSwitch = beforeSwitch[this.currentPage]; if ( $.isFunction( beforeSwitch ) ) { beforeSwitch(); } } } return this; }, _onAfterSwitched: function () { var afterSwitched = this.get( SETTINGS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); this.scrolling = false; this._stylePagination(); this._enableButtons(); if ( $.isFunction( afterSwitched ) ) { afterSwitched(); } else { if ( $.isArray( afterSwitched ) ) { afterSwitched = afterSwitched[this.currentPage]; if ( $.isFunction( afterSwitched ) ) { afterSwitched(); } } } this._timer(); }, // -- Public prototype Methods ------------------------------------------------------- // Reload the SimpleCarousel reload: function ( config ) { if ( $.isPlainObject( config ) ) { this.set( config, true ); } if ( !this.isAsync() ) { this._reload(); } else { this._ajaxReload(); } return this; }, // Create a unique id guid: function () { this.uuid += 1; return this.uuid; }, // Append a new item to the 'carousel' element add: function ( config, dynamic ) { var SimpleCarousel = this, ajax = this.get( SETTINGS.AJAX ), template = TXT.EMPTY, item = null; if ( dynamic ) { $.extend( ajax, { add: function () { SimpleCarousel.add( config ); } }); } else { if ( config.itemJSON ) { template = config.itemInnerHTML || TEMPLATE.ITEM_INNER_HTML; item = $( TEMPLATE.EMPTY_ITEM ).html( toHTMLTemplate( config.itemJSON, template ) ); this.carousel.append( item ).trigger( EVENTS.ITEMS_CHANGE ); } } return this; }, // Remove a item from the 'carousel' element remove: function ( item, dynamic ) { var SimpleCarousel = this, ajax = this.get( SETTINGS.AJAX ); if ( dynamic ) { $.extend( ajax, { remove: function () { SimpleCarousel.remove( item ); } }); } else { if ( item.nodeType === 1 && item.tagName ) { $( item ).remove(); } else { if ( typeof item === TXT.NUMBER ) { this.items.eq( item ).remove(); } else { if ( typeof item === TXT.STRING ) { $( item ).remove(); } } } this.carousel.trigger( EVENTS.ITEMS_CHANGE ); } return this; }, moveTheFirstItemsToTheEnd: function ( itemsNumber ) { var carousel = this.carousel, i = 0; if ( itemsNumber > 0 ) { for ( ; i < itemsNumber; i += 1 ) { carousel.append( carousel.find( this.get( SETTINGS.ITEM ) ).first() ); } } return this; }, moveTheLastItemsToTheBeginning: function ( itemsNumber ) { var carousel = this.carousel, itemSelector = this.get( SETTINGS.ITEM ), i = 0; if ( itemsNumber > 0 ) { for ( ; i < itemsNumber; i += 1 ) { carousel.find( itemSelector ).last().insertBefore( carousel.find( itemSelector ).first() ); } } return this; }, prev: function () { var totalPages = this.totalPages, clipPosition = this.clipPosition, currentPage = this.currentPage; if ( !this.scrolling && !this.prevBtn.hasClass( CLS.BUTTON_DISABLED ) ) { this.pause(); if ( this.isCyclePlay() ) { clipPosition = 1; } else { clipPosition -= 1; if ( clipPosition < 0 ) { clipPosition = totalPages - 1; } } this.clipPosition = clipPosition; if ( this.hasPagination() ) { currentPage -= 1; if ( currentPage < 0 ) { currentPage = totalPages - 1; } this.currentPage = currentPage; } this.playBack(); } return this; }, next: function () { var totalPages = this.totalPages, clipPosition = this.clipPosition, currentPage = this.currentPage; if ( !this.scrolling && !this.nextBtn.hasClass( CLS.BUTTON_DISABLED ) ) { this.pause(); if ( this.isCyclePlay() ) { clipPosition = 1; } else { clipPosition += 1; if ( clipPosition === totalPages ) { clipPosition = 0; } } this.clipPosition = clipPosition; currentPage += 1; if ( currentPage === totalPages ) { currentPage = 0; } this.currentPage = currentPage; this.playForward(); } return this; }, playForward: function () { var SimpleCarousel = this, container = this.container, playDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PLAY_DIRECTION ), animateDuration = this.get( SETTINGS.ANIMATE_DURATION ), easing = this.get( SETTINGS.EASING ), isCyclePlay = this.isCyclePlay(), itemsNumber = this.getItemsPerStep() * this.clipPosition, scrollValue = 0; if ( !this.scrolling ) { this.scrolling = true; container.trigger( EVENTS.BEFORE_SWITCH ); if ( playDirection === TXT.H ) { scrollValue = this.getItemWidth() * itemsNumber; if ( isCyclePlay ) { container.animate({ "scrollLeft": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { SimpleCarousel.moveTheFirstItemsToTheEnd( itemsNumber ); SimpleCarousel.clipPosition = 0; container.scrollLeft( 0 ).trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } else { if ( !isCyclePlay ) { container.animate({ "scrollLeft": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } } } else { if ( playDirection === TXT.V ) { scrollValue = this.getItemHeight() * itemsNumber; if ( isCyclePlay ) { container.animate({ "scrollTop": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { SimpleCarousel.moveTheFirstItemsToTheEnd( itemsNumber ); SimpleCarousel.clipPosition = 0; container.scrollTop( 0 ).trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } else { if ( !isCyclePlay ) { container.animate({ "scrollTop": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } } } } } return this; }, playBack: function () { var container = this.container, playDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PLAY_DIRECTION ), animateDuration = this.get( SETTINGS.ANIMATE_DURATION ), easing = this.get( SETTINGS.EASING ), isCyclePlay = this.isCyclePlay(), itemsNumber = this.getItemsPerStep() * this.clipPosition, scrollValue = 0; if ( !this.scrolling ) { this.scrolling = true; container.trigger( EVENTS.BEFORE_SWITCH ); if ( playDirection === TXT.H ) { scrollValue = this.getItemWidth() * itemsNumber; if ( isCyclePlay ) { this.moveTheLastItemsToTheBeginning( itemsNumber ); container.scrollLeft( scrollValue ).animate({ "scrollLeft": 0 }, animateDuration, easing, function () { // 触发 container 节点的 afterSwitched 自定义事件 container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } else { if ( !isCyclePlay ) { // 滚动位置:scrollValue container.animate({ "scrollLeft": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } } } else { if ( playDirection === TXT.V ) { scrollValue = this.getItemHeight() * itemsNumber; if ( isCyclePlay ) { this.moveTheLastItemsToTheBeginning( itemsNumber ); container.scrollTop( scrollValue ).animate({ "scrollTop": 0 }, animateDuration, easing, function () { container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } else { if ( !isCyclePlay ) { container.animate({ "scrollTop": scrollValue }, animateDuration, easing, function () { container.trigger( EVENTS.AFTER_SWITCHED ); }); } } } } } return this; }, play: function () { var pageDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PAGE_DIRECTION ); if ( this.isAutoPlay() && this.totalPages > 2 ) { if ( pageDirection === TXT.FORWARD ) {; } else { if ( pageDirection === TXT.BACK ) { this.prev(); } } } return this; }, pause: function () { if ( this.timer ) { clearTimeout( this.timer ); } return this; }, stop: function () { if ( this.isAutoPlay() ) { this.pause(); this.set( SETTINGS.AUTO_PLAY, false, { silent: true }); } return this; }, pageTo: function ( page ) { this._onTabClick( page ); return this; }, isAutoPlay: function () { return this.get( SETTINGS.AUTO_PLAY ); }, isCyclePlay: function () { return this.get( SETTINGS.CYCLE_PLAY ); }, hasPagination: function () { return this.get( SETTINGS.PAGINATED ); }, isAsync: function () { var url = this.get( SETTINGS.AJAX ).url; return $.trim( url ); }, isButtonAvailable: function () { return this.get( SETTINGS.BUTTON_AVAILABLE ); }, isPrevBtnAboveContainer: function () { var isAbove = false, container = this.container, containerOffset = 0, containerRight = 0, containerBottom = 0, prevBtn = this.prevBtn, prevBtnOffset = 0, prevBtnRight = 0, prevBtnBottom = 0; if ( prevBtn[0] ) { containerOffset = container.offset(); containerRight = containerOffset.left + container.width(); containerBottom = + container.height(); prevBtnOffset = prevBtn.offset(); prevBtnRight = prevBtnOffset.left + prevBtn.width(); prevBtnBottom = + prevBtn.height(); if ( prevBtnRight < containerRight && prevBtnBottom < containerBottom ) { isAbove = true; } } return isAbove; }, isNextBtnAboveContainer: function () { var isAbove = false, container = this.container, containerOffset = 0, containerRight = 0, containerBottom = 0, nextBtn = this.nextBtn, nextBtnOffset = 0, nextBtnRight = 0, nextBtnBottom = 0; if ( nextBtn[0] ) { containerOffset = container.offset(); containerRight = containerOffset.left + container.width(); containerBottom = + container.height(); nextBtnOffset = nextBtn.offset(); nextBtnRight = nextBtnOffset.left + nextBtn.width(); nextBtnBottom = + nextBtn.height(); if ( nextBtnRight < containerRight && nextBtnBottom < containerBottom ) { isAbove = true; } } return isAbove; }, isPaginationOutSideOfWrap: function() { var isOutSide = false, wrap = this.wrap, wrapTop = wrap.offset().top, wrapRight = 0, wrapBottom = 0, wrapLeft = wrap.offset().left, pagination = this.pagination, paginationTop = pagination.offset().top, paginationRight = 0, paginationBottom = 0, paginationLeft = pagination.offset().left; if ( pagination[0] ) { wrapRight = wrapLeft + wrap.width(); wrapBottom = wrapTop + wrap.height(); paginationRight = paginationLeft + pagination.width(); paginationBottom = paginationTop + pagination.height(); if (paginationBottom < wrapTop || paginationRight > wrapRight || paginationBottom > wrapBottom || paginationLeft < wrapLeft) { isOutSide = true; } } return isOutSide; }, getItemWidth: function () { var width = 0, items = this.items; if ( items.length > 0 ) { width = items.first().width(); } return width; }, getItemHeight: function () { var height = 0, items = this.items; if ( items.length > 0 ) { height = items.first().height(); } return height; }, getItemsPerPage: function () { var container = this.container, itemsPerPage = 0, playDirection = this.get( SETTINGS.PLAY_DIRECTION ); if ( playDirection === TXT.H ) { itemsPerPage = container.width() / this.getItemWidth(); } else { if ( playDirection === TXT.V ) { itemsPerPage = container.height() / this.getItemHeight(); } } return itemsPerPage; }, getItemsPerStep: function () { var itemsPerPage = this.getItemsPerPage(), itemsPreStep = this.get( SETTINGS.ITEMS_PER_STEP ); if ( !itemsPreStep || itemsPreStep < 0 || itemsPreStep > itemsPerPage ) { itemsPreStep = itemsPerPage; } return itemsPreStep; }, getTotalPages: function () { var totalPages = 0, itemsPerStep = this.getItemsPerStep(), length = this.items.length; if ( length < itemsPerStep ) { totalPages = 1; } else { totalPages = 1 + Math.ceil( (length - itemsPerStep) / itemsPerStep ); } return totalPages; }, // Detective whether the 'this.settings.attributes' object has the 'key' property has: function ( attr ) { return this.get( attr ) !== undefined; }, // Get value or property of the 'this.settings.attributes' object get: function ( attr ) { return this.settings[0].attributes[attr]; }, // Set value(s) to the 'this.settings.attributes' object set: function ( attr, value, options ) { var silent, SimpleCarousel = this, settings = this.settings; // 'attr' is required if ( attr ) { if ( typeof attr === TXT.STRING ) { options || (options = {}); attr, value ); } else { if ( $.isPlainObject( attr ) ) { options = value || {}; $.each( attr, function ( key, val ) { // Update each properties key, val ); }); } } silent = options.silent; // Only fires 'attributesChange' event, if has 'changed' attribute(s) // and the 'attr' is not a 'silent' attribute. if ( !this.isAsync() && !$.isEmptyObject( settings[0].changed ) && !silent ) { settings.trigger( EVENTS.ATTRIBUTES_CHANGE ); } } return this; }, save: function( attr, value ) { var settings = this.settings[0]; if ( this.has( attr ) ) { // clean the changed settings settings.changed = {}; // Check whether the 'value' is a new record. // And if so, then save it to the 'changed'. if ( this.get( attr ) !== value ) { settings.changed[attr] = value; } settings.attributes[attr] = value; } return this; } }; // Default settings $.SimpleCarousel.defaults = { wrap: SELECTOR.WRAP, container: SELECTOR.CONTAINER, carousel: SELECTOR.CAROUSEL, item: TAG.LI, prevBtn: SELECTOR.PREV_BTN, nextBtn: SELECTOR.NEXT_BTN, playDirection: DEFAULT_VAL.PLAY_DIRECTION, autoPlay: true, pageSwitchDelay: DEFAULT_VAL.PAGE_SWITCH_DELAY, animateDuration: DEFAULT_VAL.ANIMATE_DURATION, easing: DEFAULT_VAL.EASING, pageDirection: DEFAULT_VAL.PAGE_DIRECTION, cyclePlay: false, buttonAvailable: false, defaultPage: 0, itemsPerStep: 0, beforeSwitch: null, afterSwitched: null, paginated: false, removeEmpty: false, ajax: { url: TXT.EMPTY, itemInnerHTML: TEMPLATE.ITEM_INNER_HTML, beforeSend: null, complete: null, error: null } }; // Sample Carousel Plugin $.fn.extend({ simpleCarousel: function ( config ) { var SimpleCarousel, settings = {}; if ( $.isPlainObject( config ) ) { settings = config; if ( !settings.wrap ) { settings.wrap = this[0]; } SimpleCarousel = new $.SimpleCarousel( settings ); SimpleCarousel.initializer(); } return SimpleCarousel; } }); })(jQuery);